What is motherboard?

What is motherboard? Motherboard is the largest PCB (PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD) in a computer system.Some main components of motherboard are RAM(RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY), ROM(READ ONLY MEMORY), CPU(CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT), BIOS(BASIC INPUT OUTPUT SYSTEM) ,slots and many components too.All the smaller circuits are connected to motherboard through slots and they are known as daughter board . Motherboard is also known as main board , system board,MB, Mobo,planer board and logic board. Motherboard is also present in mobile, tablet and digital watches . Motherboard in these devices have no slots and all other smaller circuits are directly soldered on motherboard.In this way hareware of these devices can't be upgraded like desktop computer. Motherboard was firstly used in 1981 when IBM launched it's first personal computer and then it was called ' planer '.