
Showing posts from February, 2018

What is internet of things

         INTERNET OF THINGS What is "internet of things" ? To understand what is internet of things first of all you have to know what is internet.I hope you use internet and so you are using right now and thus you what is internet.But here I am going to tell the same thing in different way. INTERNET Internet word has been taken from two word, "inter" from "international" and "net "  from " network" .Thus internet is an international network of numbers of PC,desktop,laptop and smartphones,each having it's own IP addresses. Let us now come to our main topic that is "internet of things". Now internet is not limited to PC ,desktop,laptop and smartphone.Many things around us like ATM, swipe machine ,bulb,door lock ,etc.  are now connected to internet which can be operated through internet .All these things form "internet of things".Each devices have their own IP address .It is abbreviated as IOT.I...